Tuesday 7 November 2017

A few thoughts - 7th Nov. 2017.

The dead of the illusion of eternal life may lead more people to respect each other. Who can look at a murder or accident and not feel that a billion moments was lost early?? Who would raise arms against another if they understood the cost, and unless they're taxed by life and those who seek to repress them they'll see that harm is objectively immoral. When times call for defence you do what you must, but when you have no need to do harm is poisonoius to all of us apart from the sociopaths who don't care and the psychopaths who enjoy inflicting pain upon others. 

The illusion crumbles but we like the good parts, so we might steal a few ideas and use them as a pseudo-belief and call it open-minded and spiritual while we're just trollin through ideas looking for the key to happiness.  And you may find a key in an unexpected place, beyond the magic and energy and day dreaming.  Where reason and hope run together, because a true immortality, or as true as you can get, is the mark you leave on the world.  Saving the world one step at a time and making things better for future generations.  No need to make up ideas or jump on a belief, but add something to the world, even if you're forgotten your acts will carry value as you make life for others a bit better. 

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