The Greater Nation of Skyrim.
[A Fan Scenario]
The dragonborn as a force in the war against imperial rule, forces out the imperial tyranny, effectively ending the empire, as only cyrodiil and high rick remain truly part of the empire. The new skyrim returns to warrior culture traditions and the old Gods, and to increase his popularity Ulfric, Highking of Skyrim, at great cost, spreads more wealth to the people, lowing taxes while using his armies to end the bandit and forsworn drain on skyrims trade and resources. Ensuring post-war prosperity.
A now united skyrim, with alliances with the great Orc strongholds and purged of its greatest internal weaknesses, the economy booms and trade with other provinces flourishes. The casual racism of Skyrim in hard times fades as Man and Mer(such as the Dark Elves of Morrowind) find united efforts and Nord traditions make the nation of Skyrim mighty force. Not that the nationalism of the sons and daughters of Skyrim is dead, simply where they can the Nords make use and co-operate with the other races.
The cost of the war is great, and the excuses for the large army and spending is to unite the province while culling it of bandits and highwaymen. As well as the forsworn menace of the western region known as The Reach. The cost in life is vast, years of conflict and a year of civil warfare have left many heroes in the ruins of fallen cities while families morn their losses. Dragons and undead forces have done great harm too, Dragons destroying Helgen and attacking other settlments.
The empire in this time of despiration agrees to trade with Skyrim for two reasons, it can't afford a war or cold war with Skyrim, and it needs to fund it's imperial legions to defend it's southern border against the dominion. Although, it is obvious that they're living on borrowed time and the Empire is dead. Likely fallout is the end of the Mede empire soon after with Cyrodiil becoming a Kingdom in Alliance to the disunited Kinglings of High Rock and Ulfric's Skyrim for a mutual defence.
And soon... Another war, the second great war, the war to end all wars. Marking a dark age for all and the 5th Era.
Now... Will this be the background to The Elder Scrolls 6?
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